BA yesterday won a high court ruling, forcing its cabin crew to abort its plans for the first of the planned four, five day walkouts, once again the legibility of the ballot was in question, with the strikes being called off due to a technicality.
The technicality in question was the Union’s failure to inform its members that there were 11 spoilt ballot papers. A ruling that didn’t sit well with Unite leader Tony Woodley, who said it was a disgrace and it questions if you have the right to strike in this country which was a fundamental human right.
Though Unite have set the ball rolling in an attempt to appeal the ruling, three judges are hearing their argument and if successful they can appeal and have the ruling overturned. Failing that the Union has said it will carry out another ballot on industrial action.
BA admit they have merely postponed the strikes as the dispute causing them has still not been settled. But Willie Walsh has called for Unite to take time and reflect on the situation in the hope of no more strike action.
The airline is still being hampered today despite the court win as it came to late in the day after it had cancelled flights already, Heathrow being the hardest hit airport.
It is thought the original dispute has now been settled but travel perks that were removed by Willie Walsh for striking workers have not been returned and this is now the main sticking point.
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