Monday, 14 June 2010

Balloon flights from Lucca airport

In last May the Agreement of cooperation between the “Vincent Lunardi Balloon Club” and Lucca-Tassignano Airport was firmed in order to promote the activities of the provincial airport.

Balloon flights have not only a sportif value but also tourist/attractive one.

This represents a way for discovering and admiring the whole territory with all its beauties and increase the number of those who spend holidays in Tuscany.

If we think to the history of Balloon flights it is really very ancient. The first experiments took place in XVIII century and inspired both poetry and literature. Science had made man almost a god, because it demonstrated the ability of his reason to understand and to command the laws of nature. Science had opened limitless vistas of human progress.

The first flights were accompanied by women in tears, common people raising their hands toward the sky in deep silence, the passengers waving and crying out in joy.

Now those moments are only sweet memories but even today balloon flights represent a moment of freedom, a way to fly like birds in the sky.

Enjoy your vacation with a balloon flight! It will be a great and unforgettable experience!

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